
Selah is a Hebrew word meaning pause. 

This devotional was designed as moment for us to pause… simply be… and read what has been Spoken… and perhaps Speak.

9 responses to “Selah

  1. Matthew 5:9 For which is easier, to say, “Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, “Arise and walk’?

    Have you ever had so much in your heart to say, so many thoughts that your mind races faster than your fingers can write. I think of this man that was carried by his friends and lowered in the presence of God. I wonder as he lay there did he have a song in his heart, did he doubt, did he wonder of all that he would do after being in the presence of God? Then to be placed in front of God in the flesh and for Him to gently look at you, crack a slanted smile, and whisper Arise and walk!! What courage one would have to have, what faith in the eyes that gazed at Him with love to look past his present and in that second stand and not only stand but walk.

    At this moment I wish with all my heart that I could lift the streets of my city and allow the love of the same living God that smiled faith in the heart of this man to give me the strength of a LION to carry the broken hearts of women and children and walk! Walk them to the Gate Called Beautiful and place them in the pool, walk them to the house where Jesus is and lower them before His face.

    Prayer – God give us hearts like to be friends, with smiles of faith, infused with the love of God.

  2. November 22, 2009

    Isaiah 53:1

    Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

    The word “arm” in this passage comes from the Hebrew word zroah meaning strength, might and power. To whom has the might, power and strength of the Lord been revealed? Answer – to us all.

    The children of Israel wanted to know who was going to believe their report. Once again God had spoken and their time of redemption had one again come. Who believes out of this remnant that God will save us? That He will do exactly what He has promised to us and has done for us in times past. That He has always and will continue to deliver us! If you read back in chapter 52 of Isaiah you will see that God is ready once again to redeem His people. God didn’t wait for them to turn to Him. He has continually had His eyes on them and has continued to love them and now He’s saying enough Awake, awake! Put on your strength and cleanse yourselves, I’m setting you free. I will show you My strength and how My love is limitless.

    Will we believe the report? That God is still the same. He continues to have His eyes on us (all of us). He continues to initiate intimate moments of His lasting love that delivers us daily. Will we believe? And guess what, if we don’t it doesn’t change the character of God. He sits by our side wiping away our doubts, gently and patiently loving us until He has loved enough faith in us to believe.

    Praying – Thank you God for being who You are… LOVE

  3. December 13, 2009

    Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue and those who love it eat the fruit thereof.
    Proverbs 18:21

    Have you ever met a person that kills every single smile, dance and joy that you find in the middle of this imperfect world? The bible says that we have the power to speak death and life into each other and into ourselves. Not only do we have the power to speak, we have the power to eat of the fruit… the question is how do we not eat it?

    Prayer – God help us to be ever so conscious of what we say to ourselves and others. We could be killing a plant that just stepped into sunlight.

  4. January 17, 2010

    The following exert is of an entry from my personal journal while preparing to leave for Guangzhou, China in 2006 at Azusa Pacific University in California.

    Tuesday June 27, 2006
    God I don’t know what time it is. My cell phone is broken and all I know is that its night and I’m sitting in the parking lot on the ground. I remember when we drove onto the campus that there were mountains facing this direction. I can’t see the mountains because it’s so dark but I know that they are in front of me. Jesus I want You. Change my heart forever. My mind says it’s impossible for you to change me. My heart hopes for different. God I don’t fear the mountain in the distance. I long to climb them, experience them and embrace them. God I want to climb the mountain all the way to the top.


  5. January 18, 2010
    The lyrics to this song are so breath taking and I hope it inspires you as it has me.

    You are the source of life, I cannot be left behind, No one else will do, I will take hold of You. I need You Jesus. This world has nothing for me, I will follow You.

    Revelation 21:2, 5 Then I John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. v.5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write for these words are true and faithful.”

    Prayer – God forgive us for forgetting that we need You. With all the technology, education, and modern medicine at time we forget that we need You. Lord forgive us. Haiti needs You, the world needs You. We will follow You. Thank You for not forgetting about us. Thank You for providing a home for us beyond this life. We need You Jesus.

  6. January 24, 2010

    Isaiah 14: 1-2
    For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land. The strangers will be joined with them, and they will cling to the house of Jacob. 2Then people will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them for servants and maids in the land of the LORD; they will take them captive whose captives they were, and rule over their oppressors.

    God its amazing how through it all you choose to love us. You still choose us above all things. God that speaks volumes of who You are and that You are truly Love. God, You told the house of Jacob that I still choose you. Though at times you may not have chosen Me, I choose you! Zechariah 1:17 – and will again I choose Jerusalem. God I thank you for always choosing us. John 15:16 – You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.

    Prayer – God help us to accept the choice that You’ve already made. Love…

  7. February 3, 2010

    Matthew 6:25 – 33
    Over the past two weeks as I have been cleaning my office space and sorting through papers and finding tiny things I don’t need. As I continued to sort through bins and clean out drawers I thought why do I have all of this stuff? In our society today they tell us the more things you have the more you will have personal happiness, efficiency, and etc. But Gods word says different. He tells us not to worry about stuff. Seek Him and He will add to us what we need.

    Prayer – God thank you for being concerned with what I truly need. Jesus I pray for those in Haiti who are experiencing this scripture first hand. Jesus, allow their hearts to rest in knowing that you care. They don’t have to worry about what to eat, nor what to wear because You know that they need these things and You will provide them.

  8. Today’s devotional is simply a few random thoughts complied into a road traveled. Have you ever been taught something a principle or a fact by God only to forget it and then He bring it back to your mind in a whole new way? Right now I’m being Matthew 6:33 again. Seek you first…

    Simply seek God. Make Him the first consideration in all of my life’s situations. Sometimes we allow our intellect, self-help, advice and misplaced wisdom or common sense to be our first thought as we (well I) forgot seek you first.

    God forgive me for forgetting to seek you first. Forgive me for forgetting that your thoughts matter in my life. Forgive me for leaving you out of life’s decisions and trusting my own heart and mind. Thank you for your not forgetting to remind me that You’re first. Your input matters.

    Love Holly

  9. It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and to be quite certain, I don’t think I’m blogging properly. None the less I’m writing. Tonight there’s not a particular scripture on my heart just bits and pieces of several like Trust in the Lord and Rejoice and again I say Rejoice. I guess I’m just random tonight. One thing I know for certain is that the sky is delicately presenting the moon and stars tonight and it looks amazing! My friend Roberta said the sky is presenting peace tonight. And she’s right thera’s a stillness I wish everyone could appreciate and a peace that is waiting for us all if we would only pause to accept it. Make’s me think of Libya…. I don’t know what time it is there but God please give them peace in that land. Lord delicately roll back the clouds and present your stars and moon in such a way that there is an acknowledgment of you and your greatness. Lord I trust in You and Rejoice in You.

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